Sunday, 30 June 2013

oDesk HTML 4.01 Test Questions and Answers.(Part-01)

Question no. 41
The tag which is used to show monospaced text is:
a. <td>
b. <th>
c. <tt>
d. <b>

Question no. 42
What would you infer from the following code in an HTML 4.01 Web site? <body topmargin=2 leftmargin=2>
a. The top margin and left margin of the webpage is 2 pixels.
b. The bottom margin and right margin of the web page is 2 pixels.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above. The topmargin and leftmargin attributes are not valid HTML 4.01 body attributes.

Question no. 43
You want to display a table listing out customer names and their contact information. The heading of the table is shown in the figure. What is the code for creating the first line of the table heading?
a. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th colspan=3>Contact</th>
b. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th cellpadding=3>Contact</th>
c. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th rowspan=3>Contact</th>
d. <tr>
<th>Customer Name</th>
<th cellspacing=3>Contact</th>
<tr> <th>Customer Name</th> <th cellpadding=3>Contact</th> </tr>

Question no. 44
A developer wrote this image tag:
<img src ="states.gif" width ="330" height ="406" alt="States"
usemap ="#statemap" />
What code should follow this?
a. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" />

b. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap"> </map>
<area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" />
c. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<img area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" /> </map>
d. <map id ="statemap" name="statemap">
<img area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,82,126" href="state1.htm"
alt="State1" /> </map>

Question no: 45
A few lines in an HTML paragraph are to be formatted differently from the rest of the lines. Which tag will assist in this?
a. div
b. p
c. span
d. format

Question no. 46
Which of the following attributes comes in handy when borders have to be put between groups of columns instead of every column?
a. col
b. colgroup 
c. rowspan
d. row

Question no. 47
Which of the following set of coordinate values refers to an image defined by the area tag with the value of poly for its shape attribute?
d. coords="150,110,190,220,150,150,120"

Question no. 48
For the following items of a <select> list:
<option value="89">Item 1</option>
<option value="90">Item 2</option>
Which of the following values would be passed on by clicking the submit button on selecting Item 2 from the list?
a. 89
b. 90
c. Item 1
d. Item 2

Question no. 49
The tag that is used to pass the parameters to an applet is:
a. appletpar
b. applet
c. param 
d. val

Question no. 50
Which of the following values for the scrolling attribute for the frame tag is not valid?
d. no

Question no. 51
Is the following code valid in HTML 4.01 Strict?
<ul><li><ol><li>A</li><li>B</li><ul><li>Item1</li><li>Item 2</li></ul><li>C</li></ol></li></ul>
a. Perfectly valid.
b. Invalid because you should not have three levels of nesting in the lists.
c. Invalid because you should not have an unordered list within an ordered list.
d. Invalid because a <ul> tag should not conflict with an <ol> tag at the same list level.

Question no. 52
The following link is placed on an HTML webpage.
<a href="" target="_blank"> MSDN </a>
What do you infer from it?
a. It will open the site in the same window.
b. It will open the site in a new window.
c. It will open the site in a frame below.
d. It will not be clickable as it is not formed correctly.

Question no. 53
Which of the following attributes is/are related to the <img> tag?
a. height
b. alt
c. src
d. All of the above

Question no. 54
You are creating several web pages for a website that contain several rather large data tables, many of which are somewhat similar in the number of columns, rows, and in other common table formatting. In addition, CSS will be employed for formatting the tables. Which one of the following types of CSS has the highest priority over the others and typically requires the greatest total amount of code space for the entire website for formatting the various <td> table cells?
a.External style sheet
b.Inline style 
c.Internal style sheet
d. Browser default

Question no. 55
A piece of text contains many blank spaces within it. Which of the following tags would be suitable to display the text as it was originally formatted?
d. pre

Question no. 56
Which of the following is/are not true for a paragraph tag in HTML 4.01?
a. The text must be enclosed in <p> and </p> tags.
b. It creates an empty line above its starting line.
c. It cannot be used within a <td> tag.
d. It creates an empty line after its ending line.

Question no. 57
Which of the following statements is correct for the tag?
a. The text under block quote must be enclosed in a block level element in a strict DTD document.
b. The attribute named cite must be specified.
c. Closing the tag is optional.
d. It places an empty line after the text.

Question no. 58
What do you infer from the following code? <a href = ""> Expert Rating
a.This href is using absolute path for linking. 
b. This href is an example of relative path linking.

Question no. 59
Which of the following values is/are valid for the align attribute of a tag?
d. offset

Question no. 60
Which of the following is/are a valid value for the type attribute of the input tag?
a. text
b. icon
c. reset
d. password

Question no. 61
It is not necessary to give the coordinates for an image or object defined within an area tag, if the value of its shape attribute is:
d. rect

Question no. 62
Which of the following is not a valid input type of the form tag?
a. checkbox
b. image
c. hidden
d. button
e. All are valid

Question no. 63
Which of the following tags can be used in place of a button tag?
a. legend
b. ol
c. input
d. dl

Question no. 64
Choose the incorrect statement(s):
a. An HTML attribute is additional information included inside a tag.
b. HTML is case sensitive.
c. All the HTML4.01 tags must be paired.
d. Your browser may appear to correctly use newly deprecated code for the present, but its support for deprecated code could be
halted at any time after the browser is updated.

Question no. 65
Which of the following statements is correct for a blockquote?
a. It make the text a bit bigger for emphasizing.
b. It defines the start of a long quote.
c. It makes the text slightly bolder.
b. It defines the start of a long quote.

Question no. 64
Choose the incorrect statement(s):
a. An HTML attribute is additional information included inside a tag.
b. HTML is case sensitive.
c. All the HTML4.01 tags must be paired.
d. Your browser may appear to correctly use newly deprecated code for the present, but its support for deprecated code could be
halted at any time after the browser is updated.

Question no. 65
Which of the following values is/are valid for the align attribute of a tag?
d. offset

Question no. 66
What would you infer from the following code in an HTML 4.01 Web site? <body topmargin=2 leftmargin=2>
a. The top margin and left margin of the webpage is 2 pixels.
b. The bottom margin and right margin of the web page is 2 pixels.
c. Both of the above.
d. None of the above. The topmargin and leftmargin attributes are not valid HTML 4.01 body attributes.

Question no. 67
You do not want to resize the frame. The code should be:
a. <frame src = “MyPage.html” name=”HomePage” scrolling=Yes resize = “false”>
b. <frame src = “MyPage.html” name=”HomePage” scrolling=Yes resize = “true”>
c. <frame src = “MyPage.html” name=”HomePage” scrolling=Yes noresize = “true”>
d.<frame src = “MyPage.html” name=”HomePage” scrolling=Yes noresize = “noresize “>

Question no. 68
Which of the following is not an atribute of meta tag?
a. name
b. content
c. type
d. http-equiv

Question no. 69
Choose the incorrect statment.
a. The <em> tag emphasizes the given text by italiczing.

b. The <code> tag indicates that the text inside is an example of typed code.
c. The <var> tag indicates that the text inside the tag has been revised 
d. The <strong> tag strongly emphasizing the text

Question no. 70
The tag is used to pass the parametrs to an applet is:
a. appletpar
b. applet
c. param
d. var

Question no. 71
Which form event is fired on the click of a button tag with its type atribute value equal to submit.
a. onload
b. onsubmit 
c. onload
d. onreset

For more oDesk HTML 4.01 Test Questions and  Answers:

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